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Embracing Judaism: A Personal and Community Journey at MACoM

Over the past 18 months, I have had the profound honor of witnessing more than 200 conversions to Judaism at MACoM. From infants to older adults, individuals to entire families, and from locals to those traveling from as far as Israel, we have welcomed so many people embracing Jewish life.

My own connection to conversion runs deep—I was adopted and converted to Judaism at the age of five, making this work especially meaningful to me.

In 2013, I married my husband, Barton. While he was not Jewish, he wholeheartedly supported raising our children in a Jewish home. After 10 years of marriage, Bart made the deeply personal decision to formally join the Jewish People. His conversion coincided with the start of my tenure as Executive Director of MACoM, a poignant reminder of how welcoming the Atlanta Jewish Community is. Feeling embraced and already living a Jewish life, Bart saw conversion as a natural next step—and I’m honored to share that today, he became MACoM’s 1,000th conversion.

Our two children, my brother, Bart’s mother and her husband, and Rabbi Natan Trief of Temple Sinai were all there to celebrate this incredible milestone with us, making it even more meaningful.

MACoM is a truly special place—not only as a home for conversions but as a center for spiritual growth, ritual immersion, and meaningful Jewish experiences. Whether someone is marking a joyful occasion, seeking healing, or deepening their connection to Jewish life, MACoM is here to support them. Soon, we will celebrate our 3,000th immersion—a testament to the vital role we play in Jewish life. (Stay tuned for more on that special moment!)

This work is only possible because of our incredible community. Your donations and volunteer efforts sustain us, making it possible for MACoM to remain a welcoming and transformative space. Thank you for being part of this journey—we are so grateful for your support.



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